Monday, December 17, 2012

Thanks for the Menhaden Victory

With the arguably good result Friday of the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voting for a 20% menhaden catch reduction, two big thanks are in order. 

People who wrote their representatives, signed petitions, called their commissioners, or educated someone about the issue deserve thanks.  Their efforts had an impact and are much appreciated.  This victory is theirs, too.

The other big thanks goes to the scientists, activists, fishermen, and environmentalists who have been working very hard on this for years.  They have thought about this little fish and worked to save menhaden often with no direct result.  They have stood in the rain and gathered signatures or worked through the issues in myriad meetings for hours and hours.  They have toiled over menhaden, and the little fish, the oceans, and all of us are better for it.  They deserve the applause.

For me, I am grateful that concerned citizens and dedicated professionals are looking out for the health of the oceans.  Their work is absolutely inspiring and they represent another kind of victory.

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