Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Blue Vision Summit Coming in May

Ocean People Unite!

No, not a call from the Sub Mariner or Aquaman, but from one ocean lover to another, get together with your kin for the Blue Vision Summit May 20-23 in Washington DC.

There are free sessions and most importantly, a visit to the Hill on the Monday. Let's go bang on some doors and tell our elected officials why and how ocean protections are crucial.

If you're wondering what the purpose of the event is or skeptical about what will be accomplished -- don't -- at the very least it is always inspiring to hear how like-minded people care about and are working toward healthy and sustainable seas.

Celebrity ocean people, experts and scientists and legendary explorers for example, will be there, as well as lowly ocean folk like yours truly. It's bound to be fun and interesting. I am definitely looking forward to it.

More info including schedule and sign up here.

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