Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Nature's Gift Through Another Lens

Susan Middleton 2005
Look at a Susan Middleton photograph of a marine creature and you may be surprised at how hard it is to look away. But it turns out to be a positive experience.

She does what artists do best -- show you something you may have seen before in a whole new way, or with her simple, clean, straightforward images, she lays out life's unique and wild beauty.

It is easy to come away thinking, "Why wouldn't you want to preserve that gift from nature?"

Michelle Clark, biologist with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Kauai, Hawaii, finds just such inspiration from Susan's art, according to the Peninsula Press.

“Her species portraits spoke to me on a visceral level and ignited a passion within that inspired me to go deeper in to the work of conservation of Hawaii’s native flora and fauna.”

We need all the inspiration about nature we can get especially with all the bad news out there.

So I am looking at a Susan Middleton picture and having trouble looking away, but that's just fine.

Susan's latest exhibition is Life Cycle, at California's Santa Clara University’s de Saisset Museum.

Susan's site.
Peninsula Press story.

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