Wednesday, May 23, 2012

More Talk Does Nothing for the Waves

More talk and less action.  Blah blah blah.  It's too bad we cannot prioritize the biggest life giver on our tired planet.  Then again, if we cannot even establish a National Ocean Policy in the US, what can we expect from the United Nations?

This is the Pew Environment Group's Susan Liberman's outtake of the recent United Nations Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction meeting:

“Without consideration of new means to fill the current gaps in ocean management, it’s hard to see a way forward for meaningful and lasting solutions to counter the serious threats facing the high seas—particularly overfishing, pollution, habitat degradation, and climate change.

“Delegates were deadlocked over the decision on whether to move forward with discussions on the creation of a new global governance mechanism for the high seas. They only agreed to hold two workshops, which will delay progress until late 2013 at the earliest."

The time is now, much is at stake.  Come on people. 

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